The dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution: Industry 4.0

Factory 4.0, the smart factory where machines network and operate autonomously

Imagine machines capable of ordering raw materials just in time for production, preparing an order independently, or even creating a part to address specific productivity and quality requirements. Imagine machines capable of diagnosing their own repair needs or generating information that enables the people handling them to control the entire production chain under improved safety conditions, with a reduced environmental impact and efficient energy usage.

All of the above are already a reality: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), virtual reality, augmented reality, cobotics (man-robot collaboration) and most recently artificial intelligence, data analytics and Digital Twins in BIM. These applications are used by the most innovative industries and those eager to step up their technical, economic or environmental performance.

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Talk to our experts

Ahmed Hamieh


BIM Manager | Data scientist at BIM In Motion

BIM Manager | Data scientist at BIM In Motion

SOCOTEC is ready to guide you in the 4.0 development of your industrial tools

Improving production quality, honing accuracy and speed, facilitating predictive maintenance and improving safety: all of these features will be available thanks to IIOT, which draws on a system of interconnected and networked sensors.

How can you optimise the performance of your industrial facilities? 

Industry 4.0 offers great opportunities to companies but entails significant investments and generates new difficulties: machine availability and reliability, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) reliability and facilitation of IT/OT convergence. Concerns about security risks, the safety of systems and the ability to secure return on investment are also regularly raised. With its prominent place in the industry, SOCOTEC is able to offer reliable solutions by working with you on your focuses and investments for 4.0 development.

A smooth transition to industry 4.0 

Factory 4.0 works with interconnected tools that communicate round-the-clock. This interoperability optimises productivity, maintenance, delivery times and more. In real time, a 4.0 factory can modulate the quantities produced in accordance with orders, or customise a product at the request of a customer. For greater efficiency, it must be equipped with a Manufacturing Execution System (MES). SOCOTEC is ready to support you in your 4.0 transformation with our extensive knowledge of machines and their interactions, as well as our expertise in calculations and testing methods.

Want to know more about industry ?

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Talk to our experts

Ahmed Hamieh


BIM Manager | Data scientist at BIM In Motion

BIM Manager | Data scientist at BIM In Motion