SOCOTEC experts assist you in carrying out the IHM – Inventory of Hazardous Materials on ships. The objective is to inform the crew and any personnel working on board about the presence and location of hazardous materials.
Your Challenges
The IHM must be regularly updated to provide an accurate snapshot of hazardous materials present at the time of consultation, even years after its initial compilation. Responsibility for the IHM falls indirectly on the ship or fleet owner or directly on the ship's technical management. It identifies around fifteen hazardous substances and must be prepared for:
- All types of ships of 500 GT (gross tonnage) and above flying the flag of the European Union, which must have an IHM on board.
- Ships from non-EU countries, which must carry an IHM when calling at EU ports.
- Ships flying the EU flag, which must be dismantled in an approved ship recycling facility.
- New ships built under an EU flag, which must have an IHM on board along with a declaration of compliance.
Certificates have been mandatory in all European ports since January 1, 2021.

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Application Areas
- Conduct an IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials) assessment when the ship is subject to this requirement.
- Establish an IHM inventory and keep it up to date (following maintenance operations, repairs, ship conversion, and/or modifications).
- Make the IHM inventory available to the crew and any personnel working on board.
Our Offer
The different stages of a ship's life define three distinct IHM approaches:
PART I – Inventory of Hazardous Materials
This phase consists of five key steps:
- Documentary research and study of onboard documents provided by the client.
- Analysis of documents.
- Development of a Visual Sampling and Check Plan.
- Laboratory analysis of materials sampled onboard.
- Compilation of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials.
PART II – Ship Recycling
A ship intended for recycling must minimize the amount of cargo residues, fuel oil, and waste remaining on board. A search for the waste listed in Part II of the inventory must be conducted.
PART III – Final Survey
The final survey considers each element listed in Parts I & II, along with the quantity and location of stocks. This step provides an overview of all consumable goods typically found onboard.
At this stage, the ship can be dismantled safely.
This process must be carried out by an organization recognized as competent by COFRAC.

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Why Choose SOCOTEC?

- SOCOTEC Diagnostic is COFRAC-accredited and operates throughout France and overseas territories.
- A team of qualified experts is available to assist you with any request.
- SOCOTEC Diagnostic is COFRAC-accredited and operates throughout France and overseas territories.
- A team of qualified experts is available to assist you with any request.
Need Support for Your IHM Inventory?