SOCOTEC architects and engineers develop sustainable and economical architecture and design solutions for new and existing buildings in interdisciplinary teams.
Architecture and Green Building
SOCOTEC architects work according to new guidelines for green buildings such as the international LEED, BREEAM, the German DGNB, the French HQE and other certifications. Whether you need an architect for the design of a new building, interior design or additions to existing buildings, SOCOTEC is dedicated to combining the highest design quality standards with a sustainable building envelope. The design and implementation of energy-saving solutions is followed by performance assessments of the final building systems to ensure their functionality, durability and safety. Your building is evaluated and optimized in terms of its energy efficiency, ecology, economy and comfort at a holistic level to enhance your productivity.
In large-scale revitalization projects, SOCOTEC also assumes the development of urban structures for real estate properties.
Design and Life Cycle Analysis
SOCOTEC engineers are increasingly tasked with revitalizing existing buildings to increase the value of a client’s property. SOCOTEC bundles its comprehensive general planning expertise and develops holistic solutions that integrate all requirements relating to the future use of existing properties. By leveraging decades of experience and the knowledge gained from in-depth life cycle analysis and risk assessments, remedial strategies are developed with the aim of optimizing life cycle costs.
The restoration and revitalization of existing buildings often requires cooperation among a variety of stakeholders: SOCOTEC works closely with regional and national bodies to verify that work is carried out in accordance with regulations. Planning times are generally reduced by short decision paths. An efficient flow of information is ensured by project management tools specifically developed by SOCOTEC for its projects.