SOCOTEC provides consulting services for the real estate industry, helping investors, owners and asset managers optimise the performance of their property portfolios efficiently and cost effectively while ensuring the safety of occupants and the surrounding environment.
Safety Operations
SOCOTEC’s consulting services for existing buildings ensure the safety of occupants by providing support and advice on meeting regulatory obligations and complying with environmental constraints. Our experienced experts will measure and optimise the energy, environmental, health and quality of life performance of your property, safeguarding occupants’ health while also improving operational efficiency.
Efficiency Operations
Our consultants provide tailored support for key functions throughout the lifecycle of your property that are designed to optimise their management, operation and maintenance costs. These include site monitoring and inspection (building diagnostics and forensics, heat flow analysis, lighting and daylighting analysis, energy efficiency and sustainability, amongst others), property audits and evaluation. We also perform assessment, benchmarking, auditing, monitoring and non-destructive testing of building components and systems to confirm anticipated deficiencies and compliance, as well as diagnosis and modification of inefficient or defective installations. By managing administrative and technical tasks and implementing a building information modelling (BIM) operating strategy, we can help you control the quality of your operating process, prioritise investments and maintenance and preserve and enhance the value of your real estate assets.
Asset Management
During the entire building lifecycle—including design, construction, commissioning, operating, maintaining, repairing, modifying, replacing and decommissioning or disposal, SOCOTEC’s consultants provide third-party advice to asset and property managers regarding the buying or selling of properties.