For this new multi-storey administration building in sustainable and efficient timber modular design, we did the architectural and object planning as well as the object supervision.

The district administration of Mainz-Bingen wanted to create an office space for its almost 1,400 employees in Ingelheim. To this end, an innovative timber-hybrid administration building was planned as the district administration's second location. The sustainable overall building concept and the wide use of organic, natural, and ecological materials was consistently planned and realized. The new building is an architectural highlight in the Mainz-Bingen district thanks to its façade landscape of modular, prefabricated timber façade elements.

The construction was designed as a comb structure with office and administrative space for over 300 employees. The four-storey building forms an elongated U with a two-storey pavilion, including a main entrance in the centre. The supporting grid divides the floor plan into a central and an outer zone.

The service rooms are located in the central zone. The offices and meeting rooms are positioned along the outer façades and are naturally lit by large windows. The new building is sustainably heated by a combined heat and power system using wood pellets. Heating/cooling ceiling panels ensure a balanced indoor climate in the offices. Because of the special focus on modular timber construction, this project was funded by the Landesbeirat Holz (State Advisory Council for Wood).

Project details:

Object details: New construction of a four-storey timber hybrid administration building to KfW55 standard including laboratories, canteen and underground car park.

Client: Kreisverwaltung Mainz-Bingen

Architect: Kreisverwaltung Mainz-Bingen (LP 1-3) / Archi­tekten Höhlich & Schmotz (ab LP 4)

GFA: 17.000 m2

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