Projects rise such as the construction of three residential towers on the Hofplein in Rotterdam.
Important information
Project name: ‘’Rise’’ te Rotterdam
Date: Q4-2022
Client: Hofplein Ontwikkeling B.V.
Location: Hofplein, Rotterdam

Talk to our experts
During the preparation phase of a new construction project of three residential towers on the Hofplein in Rotterdam (250 meters high), SOCOTEC Nederland carried out soil investigations to a depth of no less than 110 meters below ground level. The investigations were carried out using two flush drillings to 85 meters below ground level and two probes from 85 to 110 meters below ground level. The last meters of the probing work were also carried out by means of a flushing technique.
Project ''RISE'' concerns three residential towers on the Hofplein in Rotterdam. An important part of this redevelopment is the mixed use of housing: from social rental housing, to medium-rent and the higher segment, there is room for everyone. Of the total, 50% of the housing falls into the affordable housing category. The current 226 social housing units owned by housing corporation Havensteder will return regardless. The Municipality of Rotterdam also has the ambition to build additional social housing. Besides a residential function, the towers will provide space for workplaces, stores, a cafe or restaurant and social facilities. Project ''RISE'' thus contributes to the future of a Hofplein that is buzzing with life.